No driverless trucks

 A young child was observing a truck on the road. The child was too short to see the person sitting in the

driver's seat, and it looked to him like the truck was riding on its own. Afraid that the “driverless” truck

might crash into him, he urged his mother to get out of the truck’s way. He also asked his mother how the

truck knows, on its own, when to stop and when to slow down or speed up.

The mother explained that when he will be taller, he will be able to see the man sitting in the driver's seat.

The nimshal is that it sometimes seems to us that the world is running on its own with no one in charge.

But when we become greater and taller (in a spiritual sense) we recognize that nothing happens on its

own. Everything is led by Hashem's hashgachah pratis.

(Torah Wellsprings, Matot, 5782)


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