Forgive every night and miracles will enter your life
The Zohar relates that Reb Abba saw a man, tired from his travels, lie down on a mound of earth. A
poisonous snake approached the traveler, but, fortunately, a moment before the snake struck, a heavy
object fell on the snake and killed it. When the man awoke, he saw the dead snake and understood that a
miracle had saved him.
When the man stood up, the mound of earth that he had laid on crumbled and fell down a cliff. He
realized he was saved a second time because had the mound crumbled a moment earlier, he would have
toppled down the cliff together with it.
Reb Abba approached the traveler and asked him, "What are your merits that Hashem performed these
two miracles for you?"
The man replied that he merited the miracles because he forgives his fellow man. "At night, before I go
to sleep, I forgive everyone who wronged me, and I seek to do kindness with them."
Reb Abba cried and said, "Your deeds are greater than Yosef HaTzaddik's. Yosef forgave his brothers, as is
proper that family members should forgive one another. But you forgive even people who aren't your
family, which is a greater level. Therefore, you deserve that Hakadosh Baruch Hu should perform many
miracles for you."
(Torah Wellsprings, Yom Kippur, 5783, Rabbi Elimelech Biderman shlita)
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