You need passion "to sell" Mishnayos

A frustrated father couldn't understand why his son wasn't able to remember Mishnayos by heart. Every

day, the father learned Mishnayos with his son, but by the next day, he forgot it. He figured that his son

had a weak memory.

One Friday morning, the father went with his son to the marketplace, and on Shabbos afternoon, the

father overheard this son chanting, "Get your sweetest melons here... We have the best prices..." The father

realized that his son was able to repeat word for word everything he heard from the vendors. The father

didn't understand: His son does have a good memory, so why can't he remember Mishnayos? He asked his

rav about it.

The wise rav explained, "You don’t have to worry about your son. He has a good memory. If you will

learn Mishnayos with your son with the same passion and excitement as the merchants sell their wares, he

will remember every word of the Mishnayos as well."

(Torah Wellsprings, Kedoshim, 5782)


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