Rav Shlomo Wolbe z"l: We are "heimish" with HaShem

"Klal Yisrael is 'heimish' with the Creator; we draw near to Him and bring Him close to us, and we address him as "ata" (you), as we bring two opposite concepts together. On the one hand, there is the revelation of His awesome greatness and on the other hand there is our heimishkeit with him. This is the relationship between Klal Yisrael and the Creator, blessed be He." (Sefer Da'at Shlomo, Ma'amarei Geulah, Purim & Pesach, pages 265-66 [translated from the Hebrew])

And then the rav quotes Rashi to Vayikra 26:12: "I will stroll with you in Gan Eden as one of you and you will not be terrified of me." That's the heimishkeit side of the relationship. But then Rashi adds, "Now one might think that you will not fear Me. Therefore scripture says "and be your God." (Vayikra 26:15). This is the recognition of God's awesome, reverential, fearsome aspect.


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