What looks like disaster can save us

Someone owned a very strong and quick horse, and the proud owner fed it well and took good care of it. But eventually the horse became old and its upkeep was costly. Nevertheless, the owner had hakaras hatov to the horse, so he continued feeding it and caring for it.

One day, the horse fell into a very deep pit and couldn't get out. The owner thought it was an opportune time to put the end to his horse and began shoveling dirt into the pit to bury it. The horse looked up with pleading eyes, wondering why his owner was throwing earth over him. But the owner didn't pay attention to his horse's plea and kept tossing in earth. As the pit filled up with earth, the horse climbed on top of that earth, and slowly, slowly it was raised, until it was able to leave the pit.

There are circumstances in life that seem negative, and sometimes we feel that someone is trying to bury us alive, but ultimately we grow from all those hardships, as everything is planned only for our benefit.

(Torah Wellsprings, Matot-Masei, 5782)


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