How the Mir Yeshiva was saved during the Six-Day War
During the Six Day War, many people took refuge in the bomb shelter basement of the Mir Yeshivah in
Jerusalem. After the war, some bachurim went up to the roof of the yeshiva and found three bombs
there. Miraculously they hadn’t detonated.
Reb Chaim Shmuelevitz zt'l told the yeshiva students, "You probably think you were saved in the merit
of your never-ending Torah and tefilot in the bomb shelter, but I know the real reason we merited this
miracle. A mother and her five children were with us in the bomb shelter. Her husband abandoned her
years ago, and since then she struggles to support her family all by herself. As bombs fell in Yerushalayim,
I heard her say, 'Hashem, You know that I have all the reasons in the world to be angry with my husband.
Nevertheless, I forgive him. And just as I forgive him, You should forgive and save us.' Her vitur and
forgiveness is what saved us."
(Torah Wellsprings, Yom Kippur 5783, Rabbi Elimelech Biderman, shlita)
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