The value of a test

The Yidden in the desert complained: 

מי יתן ... בארץ מצרים בשבתנו על סיר הבשר באכלנו לחם לשובע 

"If only we were in Mitzrayim, where we sat by the pot of meat, and we ate bread to satiation." (Shemot 16:3)

The Chasam Sofer zt'l explains that they were reminiscing how it was in Mitzrayim, when they sat

alongside the non-Jews who were cooking a pot of meat. They smelled it, they desired it, but they passed

the test, and they didn’t eat it because it wasn't kosher. They only ate the bread/matzah, which was kosher.

That is the good memory they wished they could have again, because they understood the value of tests in

avodas Hashem.

(Torah Wellsprings, Beha'alotecha, 5782)


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