Rabbi Wolbe on idol worship and bringing the messiah

Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe z"l wrote that each era has its own form of avodah zara or idol worship. 

In the time of the First Temple, idol worship was idol worship and the prophets railed against


From Artistotle until a few centuries ago, avodah zara took the form  of philosophy and the

Rambam countered it with Moreh Nevuchim, The Guide for the Perplexed.

For the last several hundred years, avodah zara has taken the form of false messiahs and

messianic movements, from Shabbtai Tzvi to Marxism and communism.  

Our own deep longing for the Messiah is expressed in our return to the Land of Israel, the

beginning of redemption not only for our own people but for the entire world.


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